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Immobilienkosten in Alanya?

Immobilienkosten in Alanya?

Understanding Taxes and Fees When Buying Real Estate in Alanya

Buying real estate in Alanya is an exciting venture, but it’s essential to understand the various taxes and fees associated with the process. Temeltas Project Alanya is here to guide you through the financial aspects of real estate transactions in Alanya.

Property Purchase Tax: Alanya Property Costs?: Alanya Property Costs?

When you buy a property in Alanya, you’ll be subject to Property Purchase Tax. This tax is calculated based on the declared value of the property, and it typically ranges from 3% to 4%.

Title Deed Fees: Alanya Property Costs?

Title Deed fees, also known as the Land Registry Fee, are charged when transferring the ownership of the property. These fees are approximately 4% of the property’s value.

Stamp Duty

Stamp Duty is another expense you should be aware of. It’s a tax applied to various documents related to your real estate purchase. The rate varies depending on the type of document.

Legal and Agency Fees

Engaging legal and real estate agency services is common when buying property in Alanya. While these fees are not taxes, they are part of the overall expenses. Make sure to budget for legal and agency fees in your purchase.

Mehrwertsteuer (MwSt.)

VAT applies to new properties in Alanya, and the rate is 18%. However, there are exemptions and reductions for certain types of properties, so it’s essential to consult with a professional.


Understanding the tax and fee structure when buying real estate in Alanya is crucial for a smooth transaction. Temeltas Project Alanya can provide expert guidance and ensure that you are well-informed throughout the process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any questions or assistance.

Immobilienkosten in Alanya?

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Temeltaş-Projekt Alanya

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